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Welcome to the BACA Starter!

The BACA Starter is designed to simplify and accelerate the development of React Native applications, offering a streamlined setup with powerful features.

Why Choose BACA Starter?

While several React Native project starters exist, the BACA Starter distinguishes itself with unique, developer-friendly features:

  • Seamless Expo Go Integration
    • Begin your project with Expo Go, and switch to expo-dev-client as needed.
  • Web Platform Support
    • Develop for both mobile and web platforms effortlessly.
  • Code Generation Tools
    • Quickly generate screens, components, and more with built-in code generators.
  • Fully Typed with TypeScript
    • Leverage TypeScript for strong typing and maintain robust code quality.
  • Detailed Deployment Documentation
    • Comprehensive, step-by-step guides to help you efficiently deploy your app.

How to Get Started

  1. Create a New App
    Start by following the Create a New App guide.

    • You can begin developing immediately.
    • Once the app is ready for testing or sharing, move to the next step.
  2. Prepare for Deployment
    Review the Testing and Deployment guide to get your app deployment-ready.

    • Ensure the necessary information for deployment is added.
    • Make any required adjustments to your code.
  3. Deployment Preparation
    Follow the Deployment guide to deploy your app for testing automatically.

  4. Send for Review and Publish
    While documentation for publishing to app stores is not available yet, it may be added in future updates.